
What is more harmful? Weed, Alcohol or coffee.

 According to the dependence to damage scale .If you make a graph of these external substance and it's dependence or harm on your body at the bottom we have weed or bhaang or CANNABIS or ganja or Marijuana at the same level of dependence we have coffee and caffeine which is more harmful for your body and is as addictive to your body as cannabis.Then we have Tobacco and Alcohol which is much more harmful and have more dependence .At the top of damage we have herione and cocaine and this scale start getting to worse .so the things at bottom are quite safer than these to our body. Weed isn't as harmful as tobacco , alcohol or even coffee. Cannabis  is thought as a drug because it is grouped in the same category with other drugs like herione.But still less harmful than other external substances like alcohol that's why a lot of youngsters are embracing things like these.But that is also the biggest problem related to weed because  your happiness depends on an external substance

Winter special Diet

  Welcome to chilly foggy winters packed in your puffed blankets all you could think is to have hot and delicious food. Some special food items one must consume in winters for good health, energy and to keep your body warm n comfy. Many people fall sick during the winter season. This is because we all love to stay indoors when the outside weather is cold. Thus, we breathe each other’s germs due to the proximity, and can fall sick easily. But, if you take care of what you eat, you can prevent yourself from becoming vulnerable to airborne infections such as cold and flu. Certain types of food can improve your immunity and keep you healthy during winters.  Healthy food Items for winters are given  Eat Red Bell Peppers: In Indian cuisine, green bell peppers tend to be commonly used. However, you must seek out red bell peppers if you want to stay healthy during the winter. This is because red bell peppers contain high amounts of Vitamin C. As vitamin C is good for boosting the immunity,

Healthy Drinks Natural Therapy part 1

  At a time when the entire world is dealing with an unprecedented crisis due to COVID-19, people have become more conscious about their diet and health. The lockdown has made everyone devour on home-made, healthy food, rather than feasting on unhealthy or fatty junks. Apart from that, people are also looking forward to boosting their immunity to reduce the risk of infection.We all feel like drinking something whole day hot or cold depending on the weather.In summers cool refreshing drinks go pretty well with our body giving a soothing effect  beside preventing us from dehydrating in scorching heat .On other hand hot drinks keep us warm and comfortable in chilling winters . I am going to tell about healthiest drinks in India which are my absolute favourite and you can include it in diet throughout the year .These drinks will solve your digestion,skin- related , energy kidney,liver,heart, immunity, detox and weight issues effectively.They are served as pure nectar for the body . You wi

How to cut your Belly fat

Belly fat is the visceral fat surrounding the liver and other organs in the abdomen, close to the portal vein that carries blood to the liver. This fat can be harmful to the body but proper measures can be taken to reduce belly fat.You can easily get rid of the bloated stomach hampering your personality and causing discomfort.Everytime you look in the mirror your tyres get highlighted how hard you try to ignore causing physical and mental stress. Your outfit doesn't fits you well above all you desire to have a perfect body . So fitness demands 80% of what you eat and 20% of your exercise in your routine. Now let's go deep into the problem and extract solution for the cause it is quite easy if you bring a change in your diet and lifestyle. Causes of belly fat :- • Sugary food and beverages:  Studies have shown a link between high sugar intake and excess belly fat. This is mainly due to the extra refined sugar added during processing. While excess sugar in any form can be

Good Fats VS Bad Fats

 Fats a very essential nutrient for body and part of healthy diet . Let's have a quick glace on its main functions these are • Adds taste and texture to food . • Major source of energy. • Critical to cells and tissues. • Insulation of body. • Help absorb vitamins. • Can be converted into other molecules like prostagladins. Types of fats are • Saturated fats • Unsaturated fats  Unsaturated fats further distributed into • Trans fat  • Mono-unsaturated fats • poly-unsaturated fats  Not going too much into the informative part #biochemistry of fats let get straight a way to the fact of good Fats and bad fats in our diet.This blog is scientific 101 on fats and when it comes to fats their are three kind of health freaks outlook in the world.No. one typical gym bros who doesn't consume any fat because they think they will bloat up with fat consumption totally wrong. Second group totally on other side of spectrum who thinks they can even drink fat for good skin and health just because

Carbs in diet & weight loss tips

Highlights • Components of carbs • classification • Functions • Deficiency Symptoms • Sources • carbs and weight loss COMPONENTS of carbs Carbs (CHO) is a chemical compound made of carbon , hydrogen, oxygen.Basic unit of carb is monosaccride .Carbs are mainly required to obtain energy in a living body. It is stored in form of starch in plants and glycogen in animals . Glucose a monosaccride is most common sugar which is used to Store and release energy. CLASSIFICATION of carbs Monosaccrides - Glucose , fructose , galactose. Disaccharides - Sucrose, lactose, maltose. Polysaccharides- They are further distributed into two forms Digestible- starch, dextrin, glycogen. Indigestible- cellulose, hemicellulose (pectin,agar-agar) STARCH It is primary source of energy in diet.starch on partial hydrolysis gives dextrin. Resistance starch escapes digestion in small intestine.These forms are named RS1,RS2,RS3 . Glycogen is form of animal starch. Cellulose & hemicellulose Abundantly found in